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Below is a FAQ for you, in case you have any other questions. Call us NOW!
What is My Ekosistem?

My Ekosistem is a company dedicated to helping Franchise, Education, E-Commerce Industries to achieve their DREAM Website Ecosystem. We provide website solutions tailored to the unique needs of specific niche.

We focus exclusively on the franchise, education, and ecommerce industries. This specialization allows us to deeply understand and address the specific needs of businesses in these sectors, ensuring that our solutions are highly targeted and effective.

We offer a range of services, including:

  • Custom website design and development for franchise companies, educational institutions, and ecommerce platforms
  • Integration of content management systems (CMS)
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) to enhance online visibility
  • Ongoing support and maintenance
  • E-commerce features tailored to the needs of franchise and ecommerce businesses

You can contact us via phone at 011-6114 1669 or email at We will schedule a consultation to understand your business needs and offer suitable solutions.

Yes, you can view examples of our work on our demo site:


This demo site showcases various features and designs we can offer across different industries.

Yes, we provide SEO services to ensure your website is easily found by potential customers and to improve your business’s visibility on search engines.

Our process involves several key steps:

  1. Initial consultation to understand your business needs and goals
  2. Website design tailored to your brand and vision
  3. Website development using the latest technologies
  4. Testing to ensure all features work correctly
  5. Website launch and initial monitoring
  6. Ongoing support and maintenance

Yes, we provide ongoing support to ensure your website remains optimal and secure. Our support services include routine maintenance, system updates, technical assistance & the best part is ‘Get Access New Features Update’

Our service costs vary depending on your specific needs and the complexity of your project. For a detailed price quote, please contact us for an initial consultation.


Custom Web Design & Development

Every website today needs to be user-friendly, easy to navigate, fast-loading, and offer a seamless browsing experience. Our custom web design Malaysia service caters uniquely to every business. We design and develop each unique website from scratch, through our in-house web design Malaysia team, without using any templates. Let’s create a unique online experience for your website visitors, enhancing your brand reputation through our custom web design services.

Fun fact: 88% of online consumers are like less likely to return to a website after a bad experience.

Responsive web design ensures websites appear and function well on various devices, such as mobiles, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. It’s crucial as it creates user-friendly websites that maintain quality across devices. It also enhances your website’s search engine ranking by meeting the criteria for mobile-friendly websites.

Additionally, it adapts to new devices, ensuring your website remains effective and up-to-date in the long term. As a leading web design Malaysia agency, we understand the importance of creating websites that not only look great but also perform flawlessly across all devices.

SEO-friendly web development involves designing and developing a website that provides users with a great experience and enables streamlined crawling by Google and other search engines, ensuring effective interpretation and indexing of content.

In our website development process, we plan, design, and develop all our clients’ websites with SEO in mind. Our web design Malaysia team will work closely with the SEO team to execute on-page SEO and technical SEO, emphasizing essential SEO elements such as site structure, URLs, meta tags, page speed, content flow, and mobile-friendliness. This comprehensive approach aims to ensure that our clients’ websites can be easily found and achieve higher rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Your WordPress site’s protection and reliability are our top priorities. We’ll install a web application firewall (WAF) to keep your WordPress site safe from unauthorised access and prevent brute-force attacks on your admin account. Our web design Malaysia team will perform weekly backups of your website and database files, securely storing them on a third-party cloud server. To maintain security, we’ll conduct routine scans to check for vulnerabilities in your plugins, themes, and core components. The security of your website and its data is a fundamental aspect of our website development process.

We offer secure and reliable web hosting services for all our website design and development projects. You are not obligated to use our hosting services for your custom website design, as we can design and set up the new website on your existing web server. Additionally, we provide various hosting-related services, including WordPress SSD hosting, email hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, SSL certificates, and domain name registration.

Our website design Malaysia team provides maintenance and support services to keep your website fresh, up-to-date, and engaging for your audience. We take care of updating your website’s content, like text, images, and blog posts, which can be tough and time-consuming.


Additionally, we conduct routine scans to check for vulnerabilities in your plugins, themes, and core components. We backup your website every week and store the copies securely in a third-party cloud server. So, if any issues arise with your website, we can quickly fix and restore it.